Sunday, March 4, 2012


It's been several weeks since I've written and it seems that life is changing rapidly...just when I think I've gotten things figured out these darn kids go changing their habits and routines again!

My excitement that Jellybean was going to be a super mellow baby has gone by the wayside, but I wouldn't change her at all. Right now she's a busy, busy almost five month old! She's happy most of the time but is rarely still, I'm like, seriously, kid, relax once in a while. Apparently life is just too delightful and she's afraid she'll miss something! I love that about her, though...she gets so excited about every little bursting out of her skin joyful and she just can't contain it. She's interested in everything big sister is doing and can't wait to be able to do it herself. Yesterday Cbear had left a sippy cup on the floor just out of Jellybean's reach and I caught her trying to crawl toward it...what what?! I managed to grab my phone to record it and after my initial proud mommy moment I thought..."Noooo!" I'm so not ready for her to be mobile yet! It's happening, though...she definitely thinks she's big stuff.

Cbear is being extremely ornery lately and getting into all sorts of shenanigans. I only had to call poison control once (I came in the room and she was sucking on a neon orange highlighter...does this girl have functioning taste buds?) but that's only because I knew the rest of what she's gotten into was nontoxic...including but not limited to diaper rash cream, crayola marker, and a wash rag dunked in toilet water. And that's only what she's eaten, not the messes she's made. Apparently even if you think your house is childproof...think again.

We're in the process of potty-training Cbear (yay!) and she's getting there. One day a couple weeks ago out of the blue she asked to go potty so we're running with it. Along with this, though, has come a new challenge: she's become very fond of taking her clothes off all. the. time. I don't know why. She'll strip down and say things like "I cold! I need blankie!" Um, why don't you just leave your clothes on then? A few times I've been busy and found her naked with puddles nearby...ew! So she's been getting into trouble for stripping down all the time but I'm not sure it's doing any good, because I went into her room to get her up for the morning last week and she was sitting there, naked as a jaybird and super happy about it. When I asked why she did it, with absolutely no remorse she replied, "I naughty!" Sigh. I think I'm going about this wrong. The best one is this, though: I always go check on her before I go to bed and several times I've found her, dead asleep and stark naked. Lucky for her she's too precious when she's asleep for me to be angry. Daddy and I had trouble keeping our laughter quiet as we re-dressed the naked, sleeping baby in her jammies!

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