Monday, January 2, 2012

Home sweet home/Welcome 2012!

This past weekend we packed up the girls and headed to the wilderness (okay, maybe not exactly "wilderness" but there are an awful lot of winding dirt roads to get there!) to ring in the new year with friends. And although we all had a great time riding 4wheelers, shooting, hiking (as much as you can with a few kids in tow), playing games and eating too much, I have to say that I was super excited to get home last night. Apparently I'm getting to be quite the homebody in my ripe old age of 26 (not that I ever was one to go out and party...that's not really how I roll). But I think back to our college days and how Clint and I lived out of suitcases pretty much every weekend during that it's a major ordeal just to go somewhere for the day (whether it be to visit family or our outing to the aquarium last week, which I didn't get a chance to write about but went about as expected with a toddler and baby...) much less to spend the night somewhere. I can think of two reasons- 1)we have our own home now (not just a rented place) and 2)a certain couple little kiddos. So the following are the top reasons home is now where my heart is:

1) Diapers! Even though I'm a cloth enthusiast, it annoys me that half our luggage consists of pee/poo catchers. Oh, and my diaper sprayer isn't portable. Not to mention the herculean effort to have all the diapers clean at one time and ready to be packed...I used to be really good at having them clean, folded and put away...but since Jellybean came they have taken up permanent residence in a laundry basket and I grab them as needed...we go through them too quickly! So yes, that gets on my nerves, but not enough to buy disposables.

2) Nap/bedtime. This isn't a problem for Jellybean, as long as she can snuggle and have a pacifier she will fall asleep anywhere...CBear is more particular. As in, she will ONLY nap at home in her crib or in the car if she's really tired. This drives me insane because it means there will be a battle if we are somewhere other than home in the afternoon. I'm sure people think my child is undisciplined, but I promise that 99% of the time she goes down for a nap at home happy as a clam. Anywhere else, she's kind of a monster. Bedtime is easier than naptime, but still makes my blood pressure rise wondering if she'll go to sleep well or not.

3) Toys. Bringing sufficient entertainment for the kids without feeling like you're moving in and taking up residence somewhere is a delicate balance.

4) Food. As much as I try to get CBear to eat what we're eating, sometimes you just need to have her favorites on hand...for her we don't go anywhere for an extended period of time without cheese, fruit, cheerios, crackers, milk, etc.

5) My own bed...this one is all me. I've become quite attached to my own pillow, blankets, and bed and sleep great when I'm snuggled up in them.

6) Discipline. Is it just me or is it easier to correct your children without an audience? I get all self-conscious and end up either being too permissive or too strict, depending on the situation.

7) My home is toddler and baby-proof (pretty much) so I can relax for a minute without worrying that they'll get into something they shouldn't.

Even though I do love being at home sometimes you've just got to get out and be among people...and then come home and take a vacation from your vacation!

On another note, happy new year and welcome to 2012! I never make resolutions (I'm aware I lack the necessary stick-to-it-iveness to bother with them) but I do enjoy reflecting on the past year and dreaming about the possibilities a new year holds. These past few years have been full of changes for our family including moving (twice!) remodeling an old home and deciding to move to a less high-maintenance one, having CBear in 2010 and Jellybean in 2011, job change, new town, finding a new church family and starting new friendships. It's been quite a roller coaster ride, but I think I'll be okay if 2012 is a little less exciting than the past couple years. I'm looking forward to simple things like a little more family time, becoming a better mom and wife (I'm a constant work in progress), pursuing a few of my own creative interests and figuring out my purpose where I'm at right to share God's love "for such a time as this". Happy New Year!

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