I think every parent experiences a moment of shock and awe when you realize your baby can talk, and isn't even really a baby anymore. Of course there are the first words, which are so exciting to hear, but I'm talking about when they start to string words together and form coherent sentences. Lately it seems like Cbear's language has exploded and she's talking all. the. time. It's hilarious. I had a moment the other day when we were being silly eating grapes and I said, "oh, I like it!". Cbear piped up, "I yike it too!" I know that really doesn't seem that significant but to her mom...well, I felt like she was the smartest kid ever.
So, both for your reading enjoyment and for my own documentation (her baby book is sitting on the shelf...sadly not getting filled out by me) here's a compilation of my favorite Cbear-isms so far.
-Instead of "excuse me" when she needs to get by, Cbear just yells, "beep beep!" That's what I want to say to people who won't get their carts out of the way in Wal-Mart aisles.
-Her new favorite phrase is "goodness gracious, honey!"
-Following a large diaper blow out by Jellybean, "excuse you!" or sometimes she just points and says, "poopin'".
-I gave her a taste of my grapefruit the other day. She ate it and said, "yucky orange."
-She apologizes to herself if she gets hurt, i.e. falling down or bumping her head- "I sorry!"
-I'd had my fill of cartoons so we were watching a sea turtle documentary on netflix. While watching baby turtles scurrying across the sad toward the ocean, she dropped down on all fours imitating them and exclaiming, "turd runnin', turd runnin'!"
-Her FAVORITE thing is to be chased. She's still figuring out pronouns so sometimes she'll start to walk away, look back and say, "chase you?" when she wants me or daddy to get her.
-I don't really get much alone time...when using the bathroom the other day, she backed up to me and asked, "sit on yap?" (lap). Um no, please let me wipe first.
-Cbear has a doll named Sweetie Pie (who she calls "pee pie"...cracks me up every time) and lately she's starting to play pretend. Like we'll just be sitting in the living room and she'll say, "Pee Pie crying! Sad!" and run to her room to soothe her.
-She's also given her doll to someone, pushed her into their chest and commanded, "eat!" just like she's seen mommy nursing Jellybean.
-She makes Sweetie Pie do things she's not supposed to abd then scold "no ma'am!"
-Cbear likes to wedge herself in somewhere and say, "I'm stuck!"
-Occasionally she'll just break into song while playing. And it's usually a random combination of "Jesus loves me", "Twinkle, twinkle little star" and the ABC's. As in "Bible so...twink twink lil sar...what you are...T, R, E!"
-She's answered the question, "what do you want for breakfast?" with the response, "roni cheese?" (macaroni and cheese) and another time, "tookies?" (cookies). (I said no to both).
-Cbear was getting a stern talking-to from daddy after hauling off and smacking Jellybean for no reason. In the middle of this, she giggled and pointed to his mouth saying, "bubbles!". Daddy really had a hard time keeping a straight face during that particular scolding.
-She can count to eleven. And she will do it out of the blue!
-Sometimes there are no words. Jellybean has figured out how to "talk" and she and Claire have excited shrieking competitions. I can't wait until they can have conversations for real; now that will be entertainment!
More to come, I'm sure...
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