Thursday, April 5, 2012


My little Jellybean is becoming such a big girl. She turned six months old last Friday and with that change has come several milestones. A couple weeks ago I had a non-mobile (except for rolling, which she's a pro at), toothless, exclusively breastfed baby (besides a few tastes of things). Not so anymore.

Jellybean's army crawling all over the house (nothing is safe!) and getting into everything. Like stickers that big sister leaves all over the place (I found one in her poo...guess she thought it might be tasty? Ew.). She's figured out how to get to the dvd player and push buttons. And her favorite activity now is to go where the carpet and tile meet by the back door and pick at the carpet. I'm not sure why this is so interesting but she's fascinated by it. It looks like she'll give Cbear a run for her money with her busyness and getting into stuff.

The first tooth has made it's appearance. I have to say J's been really good with teething...not very fussy at all and one day there it was! I think the second one's close behind. Let's hope she doesn't become a biter.

And finally I've started feeding her some solid food. I always put this off as long as I can, but now it's time. She still spits most of it out but the look on her face when she tries something new is priceless! So far we've done avocado, banana, sweet potatoes, rice cereal and butternut squash. Her favorite has been banana mixed with cereal but she enjoys biting the spoon more than anything else. Cbear is pretty excited that Jellybean gets to sit up in a high chair beside her and is constantly talking to her during dinner..."Hi Jellybean! You yike it? You yike it? Whatcha doin'?" A few days ago we were at a restaurant and they were sitting across the table from each other. Cbear was totally baby-talking to Jellybean like she's seen adults do ("A-boo-boo-goo-goo!") and baby girl thought it was hilarious. Nobody can make J laugh like C can and I love it! I hope they'll always be best buddies.

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