Monday, April 2, 2012

A little perspective

Dear God,

Thank you for the incredible blessing of my children. I know they drive me crazy sometimes and I complain too much, so I'm putting a new spin on their habits and situations that make me get twitchy. Here goes:

Thank you for making me a mother. I know some don't get this privilege and it's an honor to raise our little girls. Thank you that they are healthy and energetic and outgrowing clothes too fast. Thank you for their curiosity about the world and wanting to explore every bit of it. Thank you for Jellybean's new tooth and for how much she wants to be just like her big sister, so she is trying her darnedest to learn to crawl. It will be any day now. Thank you that Cbear wants to make Jellybean happy, so she shares all her favorite things with her: stickers, playdough, crayons, milk, Cheerios...among other things. Thank you that my girls are delighted by the simplest things, like clapping hands (Jellybean) or a game of chase (Cbear) and please give me a little extra energy for the latter. Thank you for their utter joy at being outside and playing in the dirt and grass, for dirty bare feet and sticky hands. Thanks for their drooly kisses. Thank you for the hundreds (thousands?) of dirty diapers I have changed and washed, along with plates and sippy cups--it means they are well-fed and have plenty to drink. Thank you for piles of laundry and dishes, which are helping me to develop a servant's heart. Thank you for making me (or their daddy) the person they want when they are scared or hurt, no matter what time of day it is. Thank you for creating children to make joyful noises...even when it means Jellybean excitedly shrieking JUST BECAUSE SHE CAN and catching Cbear in her crib singing songs that go, "jumping on the beddie beddie bed!" while doing just that even though she should be sleeping. Thank you that Cbear reminds us to pray before dinner when we've gotten too busy and just want to eat without catastrophe. Thank you for their extreme independence and sensitivity. I'm hoping that means they'll be confident in who they are and compassionate as adults. Thank you for the utter exhaustion that means a day full of hard work and play. Thank you that my kids make me rely on you more than I ever have because without you I simply couldn't do this.

And God, thank you for my husband and partner in this...that he loved me before the kids and will be by my side long after they've left home. Thank you that he not only works hard to provide for us, but that he kisses me and then gets on the floor and plays with the girls even after a long day of work. Thank you that we KNOW him and he's not just the man that leaves in the morning and comes home in the evening. Thank you that he's not afraid to make messes with them and let them be the kids they are. Thank you that Cbear wants nothing more than shoulder rides from daddy when he comes home and that he's the first person she wants to show when she puts on a pretty new dress. Thank you for making the two of us a family seven years ago and growing us by two more now. Please give us the grace, patience and wisdom to raise these little stinkers in a way that would glorify you, especially because we feel like we have no idea what we're doing most of the time.


P.S. Oh, and thanks for all things Curious George--he's a lifesaver sometimes!

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