I'm a believer in intentional parenting...I feel that if the hubs and I don't parent ON PURPOSE then our children will just end up a product of the culture and I don't want that. I want to protect their innocence and help their childhood be as magical as it should be and for them to be all they can be as adults. For my own sake, I've made a list of ten things I want to teach/instill in them, and after looking over these I could probably use a little reminder in my own life.
1. Be kind. Even when others aren't kind to you. The way you treat others isn't dependent on the way they treat you...be kind regardless. Don't yell "mine!" when someone wants to play with your toy. Share. Do nice things you know will make your sister happy. Be friendly: smile and say hello to people you meet. Have good manners...say "please" and "thank you".
2. Contentment. Be satisfied with what you have. This is one reason we try to keep things simple for Christmas and birthdays...we want the little things to be enough. We do not always need more, more! We have ENOUGH...much more than we need, in fact.
3. Play pretend. The world is full of possibilities when you use your imagination. You can go anywhere or be anything. So be a princess, fight the dragon, or fly away on the clouds. Just pretend (and only watch T.V. in moderation).
4. Be creative. I remember my mom and aunt telling us kids to "do something constructive." To us that meant making doll houses out of cardboard boxes, donning sheets and colored paper crowns to be royalty, or making indoor tents out of old quilts, chairs, and clothespins. So mold and shape play-dough into a sculpture, color outside the lines, write a story, make a masterpiece out of construction paper...just don't make a habit of saying, "I'm bored."
5. Become a lover of books. Incredible adventures await you! Reading will serve you the rest of your life...in school, work and play.
6. Be responsible. Even a toddler can be taught to put away toys at the end of the day, so I'm trying to start early with this one. Play hard and then clean up the mess when you are finished.
7. Be active/play outside/get dirty. Don't be a couch potato...get outside and get moving! Run, play tag, kick a ball, ride a bike, swim like a fish. A saying from my own childhood: "God made dirt and dirt won't hurt." Jump in puddles, dig in the mud with a stick and squish your toes in the sand...it'll wash off.
8. Be positive. Bad things will happen in life...don't let that steal your joy. There is always something to be thankful for. Look for the good in others and in your circumstances and use your words to be an encouragement to those around you. Don't become bitter when life gets hard.
9. Give back. Volunteer your time to help others. When you have outgrown your clothes or are finished with old toys, donate them to others who aren't as fortunate as you.
10. Have courage! Don't be ruled by fear. Try new things even if they seem scary at first. A life in which you embrace new experiences is an adventure; a life held captive by fear of the unknown is incredibly dull.
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