Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Thanks a lot, postpartum hormones!

Any mom can vouch for the fact that "they" don't tell you everything about pregnancy and birth...all sorts of strange things happen while your body works to grow this new little person. Some are amazing and well, some are kind of gross. And let me tell you, it doesn't stop once the baby is born. The weirdness continues as your hormones readjust themselves. This can take a toll on already fragile postpartum self esteem! As if the extra pounds, saggy skin, muffin top and stretch marks weren't enough. You're hoping that your makeup covers up the bags under your eyes and that nobody asks you when the baby is due because you still look pregnant even though your kid is two months old. And don't even get me started on how clothes (don't) fit now! Nope, that's not enough...allow me to present the latest postpartum loss!

You know how one of the perks of pregnancy is that thick, shiny hair? Well, all those locks you were hanging on to while pregnant start shedding with a vengeance a couple of months after the baby is born. I had forgotten all about this until brushing my hair a few nights ago after a shower. Ew. I feel like a bird that's molting. This also happened after my oldest was born. I hadn't really noticed at that point until I put my hair in a ponytail and saw some very thin patches on each side of my temple. My husband in his ever loving manner suggested, "maybe you should wear your hair down for a while." Thanks, hon! So, for the next few months I will probably be sporting the same 'do of hair down to hide the bald temples!

This post is all in good fun, of course. If I had to lose all my hair and look like a cue ball in order to have my kids, I would happily do it. They're worth all that and more!

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